Exhibition Credits

  • Exhibition Credits

    Exhibition Credits

    Exhibition produced by Colin R. Greenslade, Amy Cameron, Emily Randall and Flora La Thangue.


    RSA team: Rachael Bibby, Fiona Child, Sean Christie, Romey Clark, Matt Hill, Gail Gray, Jane Lawrence, Thom Laycock, Geri Loup Nolan, Jenny Mason, Lucinda Middleton, Joel Perez Negrin, Ola Rek, Robin Rodger, Derek Sutherland, Heather Taylor, Amy Trantum, Emma Verner, Samuel Watterworth, Nick Wong, Sandy Wood

    Gallery team: Jacqueline Anderson, David Behrens, Grace Benham, Katie Bremner, Jenny Brown, Sandra Collins, Iona Glen, Jessica Kirkpatrick, Rory Lawrence, Antony Lucchesi, Rosie MacDougall, Erin Mantle, Martin McKenna, Zuzanna Salamon.

  • The Royal Scottish Academy would like to thank the Hanging Committee: Wendy McMurdo RSA (Convenor), Jude Barber RSA (Elec) (Deputy...

    The Royal Scottish Academy would like to thank the Hanging Committee: Wendy McMurdo RSA (Convenor), Jude Barber RSA (Elec) (Deputy Convenor), Annie Cattrell RSA, Matthew Dalziel RSA, Graham Fagen RSA, Jessica Harrison RSA and Kenny Hunter RSA.


    We would also like to extend thanks to all the exhibiting architects and artists; the RSA exhibition staff and Neil McIntosh and his team for their work in presenting the show; the National Galleries of Scotland staff, including Amy Patterson and Colin Blakebell; Servest; Kevin Richardson of J. Thomson Colour Printers; photographer Julie Howden; filmmaker Mario Cruzado; the publication advertisers; the RSA Friends and Patrons for their continued support of RSA activities; and Deirdre Nicholls for the use of her image Hello Dolly to publicise the exhibition.


    Special thanks also to our external award givers: An Talla Solais, Lyon and Turnbull, Edinburgh Art Shop, Edinburgh Printmakers, The Highland Society of London, Outer Spaces Scotland, The Scottish Artists' Benevolent Association, The Scottish Arts Club, The Scottish Gallery, WASPS, Tatha Gallery and the Estate of W. Gordon Smith and Jay Gordonsmith.


    All texts © the authors: Wendy McMurdo RSA, Jude Barber RSA and Edward Summerton RSA. Photography by the artists, Emily Randall and Julie Howden unless otherwise stated. All images © the artists. Site by Artlogic.


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